
Beginners Photography Class

Creating Connections with People


Family Portraits Christchurch


Did you buy a nice camera with the plan of creating great images of the people around you, and then it never happened? Do the photographs not turn out quite how you have imagined? Are some of the technical aspects just a bit too hard?


Have you been thinking…I would really like to learn to use this camera better?


Winter is a perfect time to learn the skills to make better photographs of your children, your friends, your parents.and anyone else you know. The light is softer this time of year….and so more forgiving. It’s a brilliant time to practice and learn, and be ready for all the fun of next summer.


Family Portraits Christchurch Sumner Beach


I will train you to be more confident using your DSLR camera, to see more images, and to make the choices on the settings that will mean you can capture the moments you know and love.


With limited class numbers (only 12 seats in a class), these sell out quickly, so reserve your seat today for only $147.


Held across two sessions, in Hillsborough, Christchurch:



Session 1: Sunday 24th June 2018 10am to Midday

Session 2: Sunday 1st July 2018 10am to 11:30

Contact Message me now to ask questions, or to book your space in this class.



Session 1: Sunday 19th August 2018 10am to Midday

Session 2: Sunday 26th August 2018 10am to Midday

Contact Message me now to ask questions, or to book your space in this class.

Or book on Eventfinder here:

Book with Event Finder



Session 1: Tuesday 16th October from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Session 2: Tuesday 23rd October from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Contact Message me now to ask questions, or to book your space in this class.

Or book on Eventfinder here:

Book with Event Finder


Juliette Capaldi

027 257 4023



Family Portraits Christchurch

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